What is celiac disease

Celiac disease belongs to the group of autoimmune diseases, i. the immune system of the body is directed against the body itself. In the case of celiac disease against the small intestine. Celiac disease is not curable according to the current state of science – i. the disease is lifelong. Reason enough to take a closer look. Especially as one can live as a person without complaints. You only have to know how! Therefore, we have compiled here some information about the disease celiac disease, which – as we hope – summarizes the most important information on definition, symptoms, diagnosis or gluten-free nutrition in a concise form:

A standard celiac disease definition does not exist. In celiac disease (also known as Sprue (actually outdated), glutensensitive enteropathy, Heubner-Herter disease, it is an autoimmune disease based on a (to the present state of knowledge) lifelong intolerance of the gluten gluten gluten Accurate: The subgroup gliadin.

Simply put, celiac disease is a combination of a genetic predisposition that leads to an intolerance of gluten gluten. Gluten is predominantly contained in spelled, barley, commercial oats, rye or wheat. As a result of the incompatibility, the small intestine becomes inflamed, which – due to the permanent inflammation – can lead to the development of colon cancer. The good news is that celiac disease can be very well controlled by a strictly gluten-free diet or gluten-free diet.